- Black Rectangular Pot & Tray
- Blade For Rothchild Saw
- Blade For Silky Saw
- Blue 10" Oval Pot
- Blue 10" Rectangular Pot
- Blue 16" Rectangular Pot
- Blue 8" Rectangular Pot
- Blue 8" Rectangular Pot
- Blue Cascade Bonsai Pot
- Blue Oval 6" Pot
- Blue Oval 8" Pro-Grade Pot-Deep
- Blue Oval Pot
- Blue Oval Pot
- Blue Rectangle 7" Pot & Tray
- Blue Rectangle Pot
- Blue Rectangle Pot
- Blue Rectangular 12" Pot
- Blue Rectangular 14" Pot
- Blue Rectangular 6" Pot
- Blue Rectangular 6" Pot
- Blue Rectangular Pot
- Blue Rectangular Pot
- Blue Tiger Eye - Per Half Pound
- Blue/Green Rectangular 6" Pot
- Blue/Green Rectangular 6" Pot
- Board - $1.00 per week
- Board - $10.00 per week
- Board - $5.00 per week
- Bonide Copper Fungicide (Bordeaux Modern Replacement)
- Bonide Rooting Powder - 1-1/4 Oz.
- Bonide Systemic Granules
- Bonsai Basics - Colin Lewis
- Bonsai Beginners Bible
- Bonsai Book of Practical Facts
- Bonsai Gold Plus Liquid- 16 Ounce
- Bonsai Gold Plus Liquid- 32 Ounce
- Bonsai Gold Plus Liquid- 8 Ounce
- Bonsai in Collaboration With The Crespi Bonsai Museum
- Bonsai Mug - Click "Mug Discount" for potential discount pricing.
- Bonsai Repotting
- Bonsai Repotting with Moss & Stones
- Bonsai Soil - Per Pound
- Bonsai The Complete Guide to Art & Technique
- Bonsai Workshop
- Branch Bender - 3.0 X 2.5 Inch
- Branch Bender - 3.0 X 3.5 Inch
- Branch Bender - 3.25 X 4.0 Inch
- Branch Bender - 3.5 X 4.5 Inch
- Branch Bender - 4.0 X 4.0 Inch
- Branch Bender - 5.0 X 4.5 Inch
- Branch Bender - 7.0 X 7.5 Inch
- Brazilian Grape Tree
- Brazilian Grape Tree
- Brazilian Rain Tree
- Brazilian Rain Tree
- Brazilian Rain Tree
- Brown Oval Humidity Tray 11.5 X 8.25 X 1.25
- Brown Oval Humidity Tray 9.75 X 6.62
- Brown Rectangular 6" Pot & Tray
- Brown Rectangular 6" Pot & Tray
- Brown Rectangular Humidity Tray 13 X 9.25
- Bull Horn Acacia Pre-Bonsai
- Calico Stones - Per pound
- Canadian Hemlock
- Canadian Hemlock
- Canadian Hemlock (Tsuga Canadensis "Hussii")
- Chinese Elm-SOLD
- Chinese Sweet Plum
- Chinsan Japanese Azalea Pre-Bonsai
- Chrysocolla Turquoise High End - Per Half Pound
- Chrysocolla Turquoise Natural - Per Half Pound
- Chuck Iker Pottery - 9" Oval
- Citrine Calcite - Per Half Pound
- Combination Water Stone Tool Sharpener
- Copper Color 8" Oval Pot-Deep
- Copper Color Rectangular 14" Pot
- Copper Color Rectangular Pot
- Copper Oval 6" Pot
- Copper Rectangular 6" Pot
- Copper Rectangular 6" Pot
- Copper Rectangular 8" Pot-Deep
- Crab Apple
- Crab Apple
- Crab Apple
- Cut Paste - Brown
- Cut Paste - Grey
- Daconil Fungicide - 32 Oz. Spray Bottle
- Dale Cochoy 15 5/8” x 13” x 4 9/16” Oval Pot
- Dark Blue Round Cascade Bonsai Pot
- Deluxe Leather Zippered Hard Bonsai Tool Case
- Deluxe Water Nozzle-Free with $99.95 or more order.
- Desert Jasper- Per Half Pound
- Digital Plus Soil pH Tester
- Digital Soil pH Tester
- Divi Divi
- Drain Hole Mesh
- Drain Hole Mesh-J6050
- Drain Hole Mesh-J6051
- Drain Hole Mesh-J6052
- Dwarf Black Olive (Bucida Spinosa)
- Dwarf Black Olive (Bucida Spinosa)
- Dwarf Black Olive Pre-Bonsai
- Dwarf Hinoki Cypress "Aurora"
- Dwarf Japanese Juniper
- Dwarf Japanese Juniper
- Dwarf Japanese Juniper
- Dwarf Japanese Juniper
- Dwarf Japanese Juniper
- Dwarf Japanese Juniper
- Dwarf Japanese Juniper
- Dwarf Japanese Juniper
- Dwarf Japanese Juniper
- Economy Light Duty S.S. Thinning Shears
- Elephant Bush
- Elephant Bush
- Elephant Bush
- Elephant Bush
- Elephant Bush
- Elephant Bush
- Elephant Bush Pre-Bonsai
- Erin Pottery - 5-5/8” Rectangle
- Erin Pottery - 6-1/2" Rectangle
- Erin Pottery - 6-1/4" Rectangle
- Erin Pottery - 6-1/8" Rectangle
- Erin Pottery - 6-3/4" Rectangle
- Eugene Gold Balsam Fir (Abies Balsama "Eugene's Yellow")
- Eugene Gold Balsam Fir (Abies Balsama "Eugene's Yellow")
- Fancy Jasper - Per Half Pound
- Ficus Too Little
- Fish Emulsion Fertilizer
- Flat River Rocks - Per pound
- Fogg-It Nozzle - 1 G.P.M.
- Fogg-It Nozzle - 1/2 G.P.M.
- Fogg-It Nozzle - 1/4 G.P.M.
- Fogg-It Nozzle - 2 G.P.M.
- Fogg-It Nozzle - 2 G.P.M.-Wide Angle
- Fogg-It Nozzle - 4 G.P.M.
- Fogg-It Nozzle 4 GPM-Wide Angle
- Folding Grafting Knife
- Forest Planting-VHS Video Tape
- Fountain 1 - Beige
- Fountain 2 - Green
- Fountain 3 - Beige
- Fountain 4 - Green
- Fountain 5 - Beige
- Fountain 6 - Green
- Fountain 7- Beige
- Fountain 8 - Green
- Fukien Tea Tree
- Fukien Tea Tree
- Full Spectrum Fluorescent - 24 inch
- Full Spectrum Fluorescent - 36 Inch
- Full Spectrum Fluorescent - 48 inch
- Garden Cut 8 " Trimming Shears-Stainless Steel Blades
- Garden Cut 8" Trimming Shears
- General Care & Maintenance-DVD
- Gift Certificate - $1,000
- Gift Certificate - $500.00
- Gift Certificate - $750.00
- Gift Certificate-$100.00
- Gift Certificate-$125.00
- Gift Certificate-$15.00
- Gift Certificate-$150.00
- Gift Certificate-$175.00
- Gift Certificate-$20.00
- Gift Certificate-$200.00
- Gift Certificate-$225.00
- Gift Certificate-$25.00
- Gift Certificate-$250.00
- Gift Certificate-$275.00
- Gift Certificate-$30.00
- Gift Certificate-$300.00
- Gift Certificate-$350.00
- Gift Certificate-$400.00
- Gift Certificate-$450.00
- Gift Certificate-$5.00
- Gift Certificate-$50.00
- Gift Certificate-$75.00
- Gift Certificate-$90.00
- Gold Tiger Eye - Per Half Pound
- Green 10" Oval Pot
- Green 10" Oval Pot & Tray
- Green 10" Rectangular Pot
- Green 12" Oval Pot
- Green 18" Oval Pot
- Green Cascade Bonsai Pot
- Green Oval 8" Land/Water Pot
- Green Oval Pot
- Green Oval Pot
- Green Oval Pot
- Green Oval Pot & Tray
- Green Oval Pot & Tray
- Green Rectangular 6" Pot
- Green Rectangular 6" Pot
- Green Rectangular 6" Pot & Tray
- Green Rectangular 6" Pot & Tray
- Green Rectangular 6" Pot & Tray
- Green Rectangular 8" Pot-Deep
- Green Rectangular 8" Pot-Deep
- Green Round Cascade Bonsai Pot
- Gumbo Limbo
- Happy Bonsai
- Hasami Shears - 8 Inch
- Hasami Shears 7-1/4"
- Hawaiian Umbrella Tree
- Hawaiian Umbrella Tree Pre-Bonsai
- Hawaiian Umbrella Tree Pre-Bonsai
- Hawthorn
- Hawthorn
- Hemp Brush - 5 Inch
- Hemp Brush - 6 Inch
- Hemp Brush - 6-1/2 Inch
- Hemp Brush - Soft
- Hori-Hori Digging Tool-Black Steel Blade
- Hori-Hori Digging Tool-Stainless Steel Blade
- Horticultural Charcoal - 1/4 Lb.
- Humidi-Grow Tray
- Humidi-Grow Tray
- Humidi-Grow Tray
- Humidi-Grow Tray
- Humidi-Grow Tray-Black
- Humidi-Grow Tray-Black
- Indoor Bonsai
- Indoor Bonsai for Beginners
- Jack's Acid Special Plant Food 1-1/2 Lb.
- Jack's Acid Special Plant Food 4 Lb.
- Jack's All Purpose Plant Food - 8 Oz.
- Jack's Blossom Booster Plant Food 1-1/2 Lb.
- Jack's Classic Houseplant Special - 8 Oz.
- Japanese Gardenia
- Japanese Maple 5 Tree Forest
- Japanese Maple 5 Tree Forest
- Japanese Maple 5 Tree Forest
- Japanese Maple 7 Tree Forest
- Japanese Maple Forest-DVD
- Jin & Wire Pliers 6-3/4 In. Professional
- Jin/Wire Plier
- Joshua Roth Chopsticks
- Karusmate 100 Gram Tube
- Kelp Flower Booster
- Kingsville Boxwood Pre Bonsai
- Kingsville Boxwood Pre Bonsai
- Kingsville Boxwood Pre Bonsai
- Kingsville Boxwood Pre Bonsai
- Kingsville Dwarf Boxwood
- Kingsville Dwarf Boxwood
- Kingsville Dwarf Boxwood
- Kingsville Dwarf Boxwood
- Kingsville Dwarf Boxwood
- Kiyonal - 100 Gram Tube